Best Sources Of Protein For Vegans You Need To Know

 It is a common understanding and thought process that all those people who follow a vegan diet and stick to vegan foods lack proteins. Having said this, it is also really possible that with the consumption of balanced vegan products, one can obtain all the necessary proteins that are required. 

In fact, as per studies conducted by nutritionists, most vegan foods contain higher sources of proteins than the others. And, it is also a known fact that a protein-rich diet means better muscle strength and weight loss. In this blog, we will take a closer look at some vegan sources of protein that can give you a diet that has all the required minerals. 

Seitan: This product looks and resembles meat when it comes to texture, but is a vegan food that is a rich source of protein. It’s made from gluten and is also known as wheat meat. Seitan contains 25 grams of proteins per 100 grams, and this makes it the richest vegan source of protein.

Tofu: Tofu otherwise also known as tempeh originate from soybeans. When following a vegan diet, tofu is considered as a vegan product that provides the body with all the essential amino acids that it needs. Tofu tastes best when it is boiled or steamed, and though it does not have any flavour of its own, it absorbs the flavours of the ingredients used. 

Lentils & pulses: Did you know that with the intake of every cooked cup of lentils you actually get 18 grams of proteins? This makes lentils another vegan product that is rich in proteins. One can use lentils in a number of ways, either in salads or in soups. Along with being a rich source of proteins, lentils give you the required amounts of fibers that help with digestion. 

Chickpeas & other beans:  Chickpeas and other beans such as red kidney contain surplus amounts of protein that is required by the body. Chickpeas which are otherwise also known as garbanzo contain 15 grams of proteins per cooked cup. Along with being protein-rich these beans also offer other minerals such as manganese, iron, and potassium.  

Hempseed: This particular vegan source of protein belongs to the Cannabis Sativa plant which is commonly known as marijuana. They are exceptionally rich in protein and have only trace amounts of cannabis in them which is what makes them good for consumption.  Interestingly it has been found that the fats from the hempseed can reduce inflammation.

Green peas: These small greens are easy to consume in many forms and green peas though really small in size contain 9 grams of proteins per cooked cup, which is actually more than what one gets from a glass of milk. Hence, this makes green peas a very good vegan source of protein.

Amaranth: This source of vegan food is a very ancient gluten free grains which is otherwise also known as quinoa. These pulses unlike the others don’t grow from grass and that makes them pseudocereals. Having said this, amaranth is a rich vegan foods of protein



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