Your Daily Vegan (Vegan Education and Lifestyle): The Benevolent Vegan Lifestyle

 Being vegan is not a habit, it is a philosophy and way of life. Off late, several people from different strata of the society are drifting towards plant-based nutrition instead of harming animals for food. The main motive behind this paradigm shift is inspired by the emotion of empathy towards animals and a fervent desire to improve the condition of the voiceless ones. Every day, all over the world, innocent animals are slaughtered to satisfy the wanton greed of humans. Adopting a vegan lifestyle not only herald health benefits but indirectly helps in alleviating the life of the animals who are treated as commodities by the profit-making food and lifestyle industries.

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A vegan diet does not include meat, eggs, dairy, or any other animal by-product, including the honey that bees produce. Vegans follow a plant-based nutrition program to obtain most of their calories from raw or gently cooked vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts. Maintaining an ethical and sustainable diet can require meaningful education and training. While embarking on a plant-based diet requires no special training or certification, learning how to properly nourish plants prevents possible malnutrition if done incorrectly. Moreover, a few unscrupulous ones try to cash in the growing demand for vegan food by mislabeling products and mislead people. Proper education and training to help those wishing to maintain an ethical and sustainable diet, identify others who truly embrace this lifestyle, and plant-based nutrition programs could heavily aid in that quest. Aligning oneself with vegan societies and movements will keep oneself updated with the current vegan trends. Countries like New Zealand have already included in their curriculum about the effects of dairy and meat consumption. This will benefit greatly as children are made aware of it in their formative years which will bring about a sense of empathy towards the cruelty meted out to the animals.

The vegan lifestyle is all about displaying kindness towards animals. It clearly does not culminate in adopting a plant-based diet. It is about shunning all products that endorse animal cruelty ranging from cosmetics, soap, clothes, leather products, and medicines. A vegan lifestyle promises a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of organic vegan food in our body are tremendous apart from the bigger benefit of reducing carbon print and encouraging a green environment. In today’s world when non-renewable resources like water are diminishing rapidly, embracing veganism is the right path to embrace for a greener and flourishing world.


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